Projects | Public Services | oneROOF Youth Services The Quad 


oneROOF Youth Services The Quad


No More Youth on the Streets

Becoming part of the fabric of the community



JMA assisted this service provider for youth at risk in relocating to interconnected properties along King Street East and Sheldon Avenue, in Kitchener. The relocation allowed for a multi-phased development: a renovation project for oneROOF to continue its services, but also for further development to expand its service operations and provide supportive housing for youth.


The first phase included relocation to two renovated buildings for emergency shelter, programming, and office operations, occupied in Spring 2020. The second phase, a supportive housing build with 44 bachelor apartment units over 3 storeys + basement, was completed in Fall

2022. The unit layouts work within Waterloo Region Housing guidelines for unit size, while the project is designed to meet funding goals including CMHC coinvestment goals for sustainability and 30% accessible units, to maximize the CMHC grant portion in its pro forma scoring.


Our Role:

Full service including site evaluations, design, masterplanning, heritage design



JMA played an instrumental role in locating an appropriate property not only for oneROOF to continue its present level of services, but for the potential of future development.


We worked to extremely tight timelines and cost constraints in both the initial renovation and relocation stage and in the design phases of the Supportive Housing project phase.



"John, I can’t thank you and your capable staff enough for the assistance you have provided to oneROOF Youth Services and our youth at risk... You’ve provided excellent leadership for the project, working with great respect for ourselves and our youth.

Oh, and the youth have let me know that the lighting you personally installed in the rear garden makes it a magical place for them. No kidding, that’s what they said! Magical..."


— Sandy Dietrich-Bell
C.A.O., oneROOF Youth Services 







Project Data

Public Services

Relocation & Renovation


Kitchener, Ontario

1900 m² (20,451 sq. ft.)

Completed 2022