We are happy to announce that the winner of the last month's JMA Architectural Scavenger Hunt is..... Kim Lane, who was the first to identify the January clue: The Blacksmith Shop at Doon Heritage Village, located at 10 Huron Road, Kitchener.
A bit about the Doon Blacksmith Shop:
Doon Heritage Village showcases what a small town in this area would have been like in 1914. The inspiration for this small building was the Valentine Gies Blacksmith Shop, built around 1894 and originally located in Conestogo, Waterloo County.
The requirements for the Blacksmith Shop made its design particularly fun. It was completed in 2004, but it had to look as if it was a 20 year old building in 1914. In close consultation with Doon project staff, and historians, we enjoyed researching construction methods of that period, understanding how blacksmiths work in their shops, and sourcing materials to achieve historical accuracy.
Additionally, we had to consider that this blacksmith shop was first and foremost a modern museum. Unlike a real blacksmith shop, that had the function of doing general farrier work, the primary role for the Doon shop was for the general public to visit and learn. Modern systems required for museums by the Ontario Building Code, had to be disguised; safety and accessibility had to blend in seamlessly; and the comfort of museum staff (the blacksmith) and visitors alike had to be taken into account.
Doon Heritage Village is now closed for extensive renovations, but is scheduled to reopen this year. Try to visit it when you have a chance. It makes for a very enjoyable outing for people of all ages!
And now, the 6th clue of the JMA Architectural Scavenger Hunt:
The first to respond correctly identifying the building wins a bag of coffee beans (or loose leaf tea, if you prefer) from Matter of Taste, or a gift card from Four All Ice Cream. Your choice! You'll just have to drop by our office to pick up your prize and say hi.
If you can identify the building, please tell us what the building is (for example “the fire/EMS station”) and the location (for example, “in Breslau visible from the road to Guelph after the turnoff for the Breslau bypass” or “51 Beacon Point Ct, Breslau”)
Send your responses to [email protected]. Write Scavenger Hunt on the subject line. The winner will be announced the following month, along with the new clue.
The small print:
If you worked on, or in, the building, or if you are related to anyone who worked on or in, you can’t win. The first one to respond by email with the correct answer, wins. No one can win more than once.