Project | Public Facilities | Brant Conservation Area Shop Replacement 


Brant Conservation Area Shop Replacement





Within the Conservation Area, there once stood a maintenance shop. Due to an unexpected oil leak, the shop and septic system were demolished in 2019. The site has been remediated and is ready for a new updated model of a maintenance shop and surrounding site work.


JMA will work along their subconsultants and the Grand River Conservation Authority to design and construct a new maintenance shop complete with septic system where the old shop was located. The building will consist of multiple vehicle bays, a lunch room and washrooms, for the conser- vation staff. The siteworks include access control to the maintenance area and a gravel parking lot for staff. To ensure public safety during opera- tional hours, there are new, accessible, pedestrian pathways to connect nearby amenities to one another to avoid park patrons passing through the maintenance area. Additionally, landscaping features to provide visual screening and limited access complete the maintenance area.


Our Role:

Full architectural services, inclusing design, contract documentation and contract administration.




Project Data

Public Facilities

New Build


Conservation Authority

Brantford, Ontario


286.70 m² (3,086.22 sq. ft.)

in Construction Documentation